A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes.
——Heather Headley
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 1 Jungle Festival](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Jungle-Festival.jpeg?resize=624%2C352&ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 2 batch P1030405](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030405.jpg?resize=700%2C525&ssl=1)
- 2人2日迪士尼樂園園區(Disneyland) + 迪士尼工作室園區(Disney Studio)入場券
- 2人住宿迪士尼飯店Sequoia Lodge一晚
- 2人飯店附設早餐套餐
- 2人午餐或晚餐(擇一)套餐(可於迪士尼飯店或園區內的指定餐廳使用)
Disney Sequoia Lodge飯店
地址:Avenue Robert Schuman, 77700 Coupvray
交通:搭乘RER A線到底站Marne-la-Vallée Chessy(跟迪士尼樂園同一站),車站旁邊有飯店接駁車
這次住的Sequoia Lodge飯店是公司套票配好的,沒有辦法選擇,我們也想說之前沒有在巴黎迪士尼的任何一間飯店住過,來體驗體驗也不錯。
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 3 batch P1030430](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030430.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 4 batch P1030420](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030420.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 5 batch P1030425](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030425.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 6 batch P1030419](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030419.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 7 batch P1030417](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030417.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 8 batch P1030427](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030427.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 9 batch P1030418](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030418.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 10 batch P1030428](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030428.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 11 batch P10304311](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P10304311.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 12 batch P1030432](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030432.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 13 batch P1030433](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030433.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 14 batch P1030570](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030570.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 15 batch P1030412](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030412.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 16 batch P1030410](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030410.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 17 batch P1030413](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030413.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 18 batch P1030414](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030414.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
附的早餐是在飯店內的餐廳Hunter’s Grill內使用。餐廳本身都是以Buffet形式供應午晚餐,早上也不例外,毫無反應,就是一般普通飯店會看到的西式早餐Buffet:麵包、炒蛋、乳酪優格之流。(Menu這邊請)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 19 batch P1030563](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030563.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 20 batch P1030569 1](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030569-1.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 21 batch P1030564](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030564.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 22 batch P1030565](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030565.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 23 batch P1030566](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030566.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 24 batch P1030567](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030567.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 25 batch P1030568 1](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030568-1.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
前面有提到公司套票還包含了另外一份是午/晚餐套餐擇一。票券可以於特定餐廳兌換該餐廳提供的套餐,大致上是一前菜一主餐一甜點+飲料的方式,或是也可以於其他餐廳當作與票券上標示價值等值的餐券使用。上面有註明甚至是迪士尼外面的Mall:Disney Village的餐廳也可以使用。
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 26 batch P1030404](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030404.jpg?resize=700%2C525&ssl=1)
順帶一提,其實這種類型的餐券在訂迪士尼住宿的時候也有可以直接搭配的套票,在訂房時可以選擇要不要付費加購。上面也可以詳細看到使用方式以及可使用的餐廳。以兩天一夜為例,可以看到以下由左至右有分為1. 早餐,2. 半套餐(早+午/晚餐),及3. 全套餐(早+午+晚餐)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 27 Screen Shot 2021 06 07 at 23.44.10](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Screen-Shot-2021-06-07-at-23.44.10.png?resize=700%2C511&ssl=1)
我們後來是把套票的餐券用在Silver Spur Steak House,餐廳就是非常經典的掏金潮時期美式酒吧造型,不過想說只是牛排跟薯條也沒什麼好介紹的,就放張餐廳外觀的圖簡單帶過:
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 28 batch P1030558](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030558.jpg?resize=700%2C525&ssl=1)
Bistrot Chez Rémy主題餐廳
地址:Disneyland Paris, 2 Hollywood Blvd, 77700 Chessy (巴黎迪士尼的Walt Disney Studios園區)
既然都到巴黎迪士尼了,想要嚐嚐老鼠界的小當家—— Rémy(中譯:小米)的拿手好菜應該是再正常不過的吧。這部片對我應該就有如對Brooklyn 99裡的Charles 一樣,是建構我對巴黎想像的第一部電影。(根本忘記在演什麼了)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 29 batch P1030606 1](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030606-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 30 batch P1030607 1](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030607-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 31 batch P1030609 1](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030609-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 32 batch P1030610 1](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030610-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 33 batch P1030611 1](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030611-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 34 batch P1030612 1](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030612-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 35 batch P1030615 1](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030615-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 36 batch P1030616 1](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030616-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 37 batch P1030618 1](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030618-1.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 38 batch P1030631](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030631.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 39 batch P1030620 3](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030620-3.jpg?resize=700%2C525&ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 40 batch P1030627](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030627.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 41 batch P1030628](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030628.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 42 batch P1030629](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030629.jpg?ssl=1&resize=768%2C768)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 43 batch IMG 8471](https://i1.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_IMG_8471.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 44 batch IMG 8476](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_IMG_8476.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 45 batch IMG 8526](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_IMG_8526.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 46 batch P1030498](https://i0.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030498.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 47 batch P1030543](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_P1030543.jpg?ssl=1)
![[巴黎|旅遊]巴黎迪士尼Sequoia Lodge住宿體驗與一嚐老鼠界的小當家拿手料理 Bistrot Chez Rémy 48 batch Snapseed](https://i2.wp.com/jenniernielife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/batch_Snapseed.jpg?ssl=1)
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